Windshield Replacement
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Windshield Replacement
My windshield is foggy on the edges, and both sides have long cracks in them. I understand the fogging is typical. So, does anyone have a source for replacement windows? I'm not really looking for used glass, as I'm sure most 40 year old windshields have problems. But where can I go to have NEW pieces made. Yes, I know it's expensive... Anyone have a good after-market suggestion? I'm in Central Texas. Thanks!
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Re: Windshield Replacement
They are still available new. About 1200$ each shipped. I forget who makes them. I wanna say Guardian, but call foretravel in texas parts dept and get ahold of the Travco guy there(forgot his name) You will need a new gasket anyway and that is the only place to get it and that guy knows where to get the glass.\n\nThis is probably old info.I know I got them from a place that specialized in RV glass but it's been awhile.\nForetravel in Texas stocks the rubber Windshield gasket and lock bead for Travco's. Part number's are SC1814 and SC1819 for Contact the Parts Dept. @1-800-955-6226 \nWindshields for Travco are available new for around $700 each side. Foretravel, Texas (409) 556-8376 D & D Custom, Elkhart Indiana (800) 551-9149 Glass Parts, Portland Oregon (503) 650-9655 Add about $100 for crating and another $100 for shipping. Installation can be very expensive because they have to allow for the possibility of breakage.
1977 Travco 270 Elite\n1974 Travco 220 Parts unit
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Re: Windshield Replacement
The problem is delamination at the edge... Sure wish there was a hot solvent that when applied to the edges would melt or remelt the plastic laminate between the two layers of glass and eliminate the "fogging". It would be in the realm of possibilites to buy another Travco that has good glass if the price is right (blown motor, brakes totally gone etc) with the added bonus of extra saleable pieces n parts. At $1200.00 per side times two plus other variables this might be the way in the near future. Sadly this would increase the rarity of the remaining units, push the prices higher and make windshield even more expensive. I posted a while back an optional way to solve this ridiculous situation by converting to a flat glass setup and having large & cheap flat windshields like in a winnie, including tint and installation that was for me on a 1990 Blazer w/460 Ford at LESS than $150.00 per side. The pics I have of a flat conversion that really looked good and that person realized the cost at that time and did the conversion.. Hmmm 10 years ago or longer. Some of the pics are here on this site somewhere.. I have more to maybe convince late comers on how to resolve the glass expense or owners who are tired of viewing/peering thru fogged and damaged windshields.. I trashed a 1976 Mahal, keeping all the glas enabling me to buy at a low price a non sellable unit because of a cracked windshield cost and availibility. Seller not knowing I already had replacements and could not sell for over a year due to aware buyers shying away from the windshield issue...I was the only viewer who was knowledgable, had spare glass and made an offer... I got me a deal...\nNote: Aces posted somewhere on this site that he is aware of after owning a number of these that there are TWO different sizes of windshields dependant upon the year, not models \nA PS: The cost and logistics of having your very own windshields made to the Travco configuration would be prohitive...\nEspecially being aware of the size of the ovens and making of the forms/molds for the heated glass to conform to.. not counting the cost of the gas for the ovens. If you were able to wrangle such a deal... The more you bought the cheaper the cost per would be. Heading the way of turning into an exclusive and profitable seller of NEW Travco windshields... FWIW, HTH & IMO.\nBBB
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Re: Windshield Replacement
So I spoke with Chelsea at RV Glass Solutions yesterday (from someone else's post), and windshield replacement is NOT as cost prohibitive as some think. She quoted me a TOTAL of $1649.00, which included the following:\n\nGlass: $558 each\nCrate: $85 each\nFreight: $179\nGasket: $184\nTotal: $1649\n\nSo,l if you're looking for new windshield glass (like I am), there is the most recent quote. I'll probably have mine done in the next few months. Note: you'll still have to replace them yourself, or pay someone else for their labor. Cheers!
Last edited by padave29 on Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Windshield Replacement
\n\nIs the 558 for both sides or per side of the windsheild? I see you have it listed as each.padave29 wrote:So I spoke with Chelsea at RV Glass Solutions yesterday (from someone else's post), and windshield replacement is NOT as cost prohibitive as some think. She quoted me a TOTAL of $1006.00, which included the following:\n\nGlass: $558 each\nCrate: $85 each\nFreight: $179\nGasket: $184\nTotal: $1006\n\nSo,l if you're looking for new windshield glass (like I am), there is the most recent quote. I'll probably have mine done in the next few months. Note: you'll still have to replace them yourself, or pay someone else for their labor. Cheers!
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Re: Windshield Replacement
I perused the above cost listing and I am positive the price quoted for the glass is for EACH... \nIf for a pair they would be a bargain... After all is done, the cost will be about $1200.00 per as stated or suggested earlier. \nThe windows would not be installed for free. And what would/will an installer charge? I find it difficult to think it would be done for $100.00 per... I dont see a breakdown for the windshield gasket if it's for one window being replace or gasket for a pair meaning if just one side is replaced... do BOTH have to be removed and replaced due to the gasket and locking strip design? \nWhat would a installer charge for that? \n$2400.00 for two windshields in a vehicle that cost... say under $3k.. And if the glass gets a crack in it again due to flexing (the front is very poorly structured) or a stone or temperature etc, you are again in the hole for another $1200.00.. Trying to be a realist...Unless the unit is free , inherited or cheap, the additional prices are "scary".\nTry not to get caught up in the rush... IMO and FWIW... Subject of course to opinion by others...This is mine...\nBBB
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Re: Windshield Replacement
Thanks for your input - I didn't do the math - rather I looked at her quote. Yes, the glass is "each", as is the crating. But it looks like she didn't double the "each" es. So, when I do the math, I come up with $1650 (self install) - about the same as the $1700 someone else posted. Definitely more than $1000, but still quite a bit lower than $2400. \nAnd yes, I agree you can find Travco's for $3k in fairly poor shape, and keep them that way if you like. Myself, I'll put way more into it than I should, knowing full well that I'll never see that back if I sell it. They're like boats - land boats. For me, it's for the sheer enjoyment of the thing. But to each their own.\nBut by ALL means, please keep bringing me back down to Earth. There's always more than one way to skin a cat. And frankly, I'd rather do the nicest job at the lowest price!
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Re: Windshield Replacement
sorry I wasnt clear enough on the 3K or less unit... I was intoning that it would be a buy if the glass was good and usuable and the rest of the unit would be a strippable sellable plus...Unfortuately this outlook trashes more Travcos, driving the price of glass even higher while reducing the amount of units on the road... Damned if you do and damned if you dont .. These are like the land boat you describe however I picture it as going down to the boat docks, and just throwing money into the water every month... I got my current unit because possible buyers were turned away by the cracked windshield and again was for sale for over one year. As I was a previous owner of 4 Travcos I was looking for my 5th, I was aware of the logistics and parts available... Seller was not aware I had in my hot chubby hands a set of spares and other pieces.. I was the only one who made a offer in cash and he accepted it. As the brakes were supposedly redone (BS) I was lucky to make it home a hundred miles away. As the deal was a good one I have allowed for glass, brakes and $50.00 for a rustoleum paint job.LOL..It will be a non returnable/refundable "investment" in my enjoyment . I am passively waiting for a time when the cracked windshield will be replaced. It is still entirely driveable but the real problem is the notoriety of lousy travco brakes and getting them right...and in the meantime doing what I can, deciding when to have it towed and have the brakes redone to MY satisfaction... If yours is tolerable with the cracks, enjoy it now and do the puttering about to your satisfaction and at your liesure... And waiting for that "deal"on the glass to come along...I am using most of the parts from my76 just to keep busy and do some updates...\nSome deals are on e-bay for led interior lights... compared to a rv store or autoparts store charging $12.95 and up for one 1146? l..\nI just order 10 for $12.00 I think... CRS... Will post the leds if interested. These leds replace the insterior bulbd... FWIW, IMO & HTH...\nBBB
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Re: Windshield Replacement ... 966\nSorry for the lack of memory lapse... Here is what I was indicating HTH\nBBB
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Re: Windshield Replacement
I would have them professionally installed. In fact I would try and find a dealer locally that you can buy them through. Give the galls dealer the info on where to source them but let them get it for you. If you crack it, you are out some serious dough...\nI do auto glass and I would not gamble on these. I did them once with a pro glass guy and they were a real(insert expletive).\nThe gasket comes in a long roll. You cut it to length then cut a strip for the middle. Then caulk the gaps with a marine grade glass silicone sealer.(3M). Again, changing these is not for the faint of heart. be prepared to have atleast 2 guys(3 is better) and alot of patience. My opinion, let someone else do it so if they break it, it's their problem...
1977 Travco 270 Elite\n1974 Travco 220 Parts unit