Finished painting my Travco

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Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by 77Travco » Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:38 pm

OK... I know I'm gonna get some haters here for painting over those tasty 1970's waves but my old paint job was pretty faded and never was my favorite anyway. I now have a gray paint job with a silver roof and bottom. I am considering putting a large Travco bird symbol on the side or maybe some sort of bright colored stripe. All suggestions are welcome... I will update when I do more paint work. \nHere are a few pics of my 270's current paint scheme.
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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by Dodgy71 » Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:46 pm

Rustoleum again? Rolled not sprayed, right?\nI kinda liked your waves, as opposed to the off white (or whatever color it is), with a colored stripe, that most Travco's came with.

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by KB2CRK » Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:05 am

It looks great. I am curious if you painted it the same way you did the roof. What kind of paint did you use? Nessie is in need of paint and if I can roll it on to make it look that good I would go the same route.

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by 77Travco » Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:46 am

Rustoleum and roller method. Other than a few runs, it came out looking pretty good! I think my next step is to paint a 1" wide black stripe everywhere the silver and grey meet.

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by KB2CRK » Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:52 am

Awesome. Rustoleum makes a royal blue in the industrial paint along with white. Did you do any sanding prior to paint or just a really good cleaning? Nessie with be royal blue below the stripe and white above and we are looking for a vinyl wrap for the stripe which will be the Stewart Royal Tartan.\n\nOh yeah, what size nap on the rollers and how many gallons did it take? \nSorry for all the questions but this was an option we were looking at but were unsure on how it would look.

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by badbillybiker » Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:51 pm

There are loads of utube mini-movies on how to paint your rv etc. \nI did a search quite a while back on the subject of how to etc. for mine.\nHere is a starter site/point to get you going.. On the right side bar will\nbe many variations. Peruse/cruise thru them...\nI have ripped those out that I felt would be of use to me.\nBTW... I use a-tube catcher on XP... to build my utube library... \nThey are too big to send over the internet... So here is a URL starting point.\nPreferred method after viewing a number of methods is a small FOAM diameter\nroller of ... 4" length micro-size... and thinned 25% ? CRS!.\n FWIW/HTH\n\n\n\nBBB

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by 77Travco » Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:11 am

KB2CRK wrote:Awesome. Rustoleum makes a royal blue in the industrial paint along with white. Did you do any sanding prior to paint or just a really good cleaning? Nessie with be royal blue below the stripe and white above and we are looking for a vinyl wrap for the stripe which will be the Stewart Royal Tartan.\n\nOh yeah, what size nap on the rollers and how many gallons did it take? \nSorry for all the questions but this was an option we were looking at but were unsure on how it would look.
\n\nSorry, I've been away.\n I washed and scrubbed the entire coach. I used those green scrubbing pads that they sell in the paint section at Lowes or Home Depot. Right before painting, I wiped it down with paint thinner for a final cleaning. \nAn entire Travco 270 will use right at 1 gallon if you put on 2 coats (I'm including the roof). I mixed about 25% thinner into the paint but that is probably too much. I would start with around a 90/10 paint/thinner mix next time.\nOne thing that I figured out was to use high quality paint applicators. I used a roller labeled for super smooth surfaces and a very soft brush.

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by KB2CRK » Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:27 pm

No problem with the delayed reply. We are In Edisto Beach SC Camping in the Travco until tomorrow. This is the first time the laptop has been online since Saturday. The range extender works for the internet although a little cantankerous to set up at a new site. Thanks for the great info and the scotch brite pads do a great job at cleaning and a slight scuffing. It will probably be in the fall but Nessie will be getting a white and royal blue paint job now using the Rustoleum method. Maybee in a few years we will look for a professional job but for now the roller method will be the way for us to go.

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by padave29 » Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:14 pm

Looks good! And it definitely inspired me to do my own! I may go all out, though, and use a boat paint. I figure it's a fiberglass hull - just like my sailboat - only not in the water. I'll put some "Before" pictures up here soon - she's a real eye sore right now.

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Re: Finished painting my Travco

Unread post by 77Travco » Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:24 am

Here's a few more pics. I added thin black stripes to divide the grey and silver. I may go wider with the striping but not sure yet.
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